(click on the jailed Squirrel to see the documentary)
My attic trips have become less frequent over the past few weeks. I think that I was feeling slightly defeated. However, on a whim, I thought that I should check the attic. When I got up there, I could see that the trap had sprung. At first I was a little nervous and thought that I had waited too long to check the trap and that Squirrel had thieved her last acorn. But, when I got close to the trap Squirrel lunged at me and gnashed at the wire trap. She was the same old Squirrel I had grown to hate.
I brought her downstairs and took some victory photos.
Then I loaded her in the trunk of the car and drove about 10 miles to the local county park - down by the river. The trip took about 30 minutes as a result of my efforts to completely disorient Squirrel so she could not find her way back (many loops, circles, backtracks, and occasionally driving in reverse).
Although I was tempted to fit her little clawed paws into tiny concrete shoes and launch her into the river, I decided that I would be best to set her free.
As you can see, even after I used a stick to jam the trap open, Squirrel did not flee. I even tried to scare her by tossing a second stick in her general direction (you can see this attempt in the magnificent movie I have included). It seriously took Squirrel 10 minutes to decide it was safe to flee into the woods.

If you look just below the boat you can see Squirrel escaping into the woods.
My top-notch production company put together a little documentary to show the highlights of the event. Please enjoy the short movie at the top of the post by clicking on the jailed Squirrel.
At 9:22 PM,
mom said…
Congratulations! Job well done, mighty hunter! May that squirrel find eternal happiness down by the river! And....may the McD's find many nights of peaceful sleep without that little ole' friend.
At 11:44 PM,
Janelle said…
I LOVE IT!!! It' sure to win an Oscar for best short film or for best documentary! And may the McDermotts live happily ever after... THE END!
At 12:01 AM,
Alvin said…
Outstanding! Not since "Grizzly Man" have I seen a film that so poignantly portrayed the tension between man and nature. Thankfully, the squirrel did not unleash its awesome fury on you (like what happened to that dude in "Grizzly Man," but in his case replace "squirrel" with "bear")
At 3:53 PM,
Kc said…
Ahh, much more satisfying "Project Grizzly". Although a quite interesting and puzzling documentary... you gave us actual footage of the trapped beast!
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