Luke Patrick McDermott
Luke Patrick McDermott was born today (March 8, 2006) at 2:36am, right on his original due date. He is 7lbs 13.2 oz, and is 20 inches long. Lauren was one tough woman. She had Luke after only 15 minutes in the hospital (she tries to attribute it to our utter cluelessness in knowing when to go to the hospital - and while that is quite likely true - I prefer to say that she was just extremely efficient). Both he and Lauren are doing great! We are all relaxing in the hospital room right now. We will most likely hang out here till Friday. More later...

At 11:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful and happy little family! I love my new grand! He is one strong handsome dude! Love, Grammie
At 10:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Can you feel the love coming from Texas right now?!?! Congratulations on your precious little one! The best times await you! Take care Lauren and family!
Roxann, Austin, TX
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
YEAH McDermotts!
the world, no doubt, is a better place.
At 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lovely Photograph Lauren..!!
All our love and good wishes from Cedar Rapids, IOWA.
Luke is BEAUTIFUL..!!!
He looks like he is getting ready for horseback riding this summer.
Enjoy God's precious gift.
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